Sunday, July 10, 2011

7 Days, 7 Hairstyles

Monday: Summer Job

 Nothing says work than a sleeked back pony tail. Hair which stays out of your face also stays out of your way. By getting your hair out of your way, you show your boss that you are taking your job seriously. Try to be creative with the pony tail by making it a dish tail, as seen on the bottom right, or by using your own hair as a hair tie as seen on the top left.

Tuesday: Beach Party

Side braids are one of my favorite, and perfect for a beach party. Your hair won't get tangled in the water, and it is more fashionable than the original braid. Try not to tighten your side braid too much, it looks a lot better and natural when it is loose. Side braids are especially great for girls with long hair, so that is does not get in the way of people in the water.

Wednesday: Concert

Concerts are fun because you can dress originally, have vibrant make, and crazy hair. Try to wear a headband for a change. It is different and could be a risk-taking move for some people, but that is why it is so fitting for such an event. Headbands also look great when paired with very wavy hair. The volume of the wavy hair is suppressed by the headband only in area, giving your hair a very creative shape.

Thursday: Formal Dinner

I have always thought that tight buns are perfect for formal dinners. They show your face and highlight the shape of your neck, making it look longer. But this time try braiding your hair into a fishtail, and then turn the fishtail into a loop to create the tight bun. This makes it more original. Putting your hair in a tight bun looks great when wearing high cut dresses.

Friday: Lunch with Friends

A lunch with your friends is a casual event, so go for a casual hairstyle. The front hair braid is always a great hairstyle to match such an event. It creates a very fun and girly look and at the same time it goes with anything you want to wear. Hair braids are chic and easy to do. After making your braid, form loose curls at the bottom of your hair.

Saturday: Clubbing

For clubbing, a messy bun is great for several reasons. First, with a loose bun, you don't have to worry about messing up your hair, or it getting out of place. Second, it keeps the hair off the back of your neck in a hot club. Third, when you are dancing, your hair can mess up and still look good, because that is the whole style of the bun!

Sunday: Family Day
For family day, simply slick you hair back with a hairband. I chose this hair style for this particular day because it gives off a very 'good girl' look. However, try to be creative with your choice of hairbands. At the moment, my personal favorites are ones with feathers, as seen in the top right picture. Slicked back hair accompanied by a hairband looks best with straightened hair.


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