Thursday, July 21, 2011

The C-String

It's time for a new era in underwear. It's time for more comfort, more luxury and easy access without the stress. Watch out G-string, you have a new competition: "The C string"

Okay, so what exactly is the C string?
The C string is the newest form of underwear and GET THIS, there are no straps and no strings so say good bye to tan lines and panty lines! The C- string consists of the front part of a thong and it curves into the back through a wire and holds it up.It hugs the vagina and buttcrack.  It kind of looks like a hair band except for the vagina.

The maker said:
"C-String has a flexible internal frame that hugs and holds it to the body both securely and comfortably. Your modesty remains safely covered at all times. At the front it looks like sexy underwear, to the rear it has a thong-style strip, and to the sides it has nothing at all!"

You can wear it at the beach, you can wear it under dresses and white pants and lot of reviews say its more comfortable than a thong. Each vagina-band costs about $26 and is guaranteed to turn heads so if you want the latest "IT" underwear get the C string..


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