Friday, July 29, 2011

Time To Let Go?

Long term relationship are harder than anything I've ever experienced, even the stress of college apps and SAT's ( even though i know that it's more important). Sometimes you feel like you've been in a relationship so long that being in that relationship is all you know how to do and it's embedded in your daily routine that getting out of it meant being completely, LOST.  It's really tough to let go, specially after a year or two in a relationship, and if your still in high school thats worse.  I'm just writing this post to tell you that if you are in a serious relationship and it's only going downhill then as much as it hurts, you should leave it.

Being emotionally drained and mentally stressed all the time is not something fun. If your crying every single day, and fighting every single day ask yourself is it worth it? The come backs of but we've been together for a year, we'll change, and we love each other, are bullshit. As much as all that may be true, there's no guarantee that it's actually going to fix your relationship let alone make it even the tiniest bit better.  IYou have so much more you're living for, it's not only your boyfriend. You have your grades, your friends, your social life, and your family to think about. Sitting home in your room locked up and just talking to your boyfriend isn't going to benefit any of the things I've said above. While it's really hard letting go, the point where your just being in the relationship for the heck of it, holding hands in front of everyone just to act like your happy, and fighting because thats the only thing you guys know how to do now is the point where you know you need out.

It's super hard. Trying and trying and arguing and making up is just both of you try to escape reality and face the harsh truth; maybe your just not meant to be together. No matter how much you love the person, you have to be strong. Now so many people say that there are so many guys out there and your going to find someone easily but really, its not that easy. This may be the only guy you will date for a couple of months even a year or two, but you can't get impatient. It's better to be out of a stressful relationship then be in one, and its better to build up your emotional stability in the mean time for your next boyfriend. AFCOURSE high school isn't the end of your dating years, college will bring so many opportunities so if your worried about that just stop. Don't become super desperate to find a guy and fill that attention void that your boyfriend gave you. Spend time on other things, find new interests.  The hardest thing to do is say I want out. Even just typing or saying those words feel like the world is coming to the end. How can you survive without him? What will your life be without him? Will he date other girls? What's his next move? These questions will DEFINITELY run through your mind, and you might become SUPER paranoid for a while once you end the relationship but you know what, one day your going to be home and your just going to realize that you are okay on your own and that the clouds don't stop moving, your friends and family don't go away just because you broke up with your boyfriend.  Your going to cry, your going to complain, and what the hell you might even become depressed for a couple of months but I'm so sure in telling you that it's all worth it because you become a strong person and you move on from it.

And come on, is being single that bad? You get to go out, not be controlled, not be watched over, not have a paranoid boyfriend text you. The comfort of a boyfriend, the hugs the holding hands, and your horniness may appear again and you might miss it but there's more important things in your life than just ONE boy. You get to hang out with your girlfriends, drink a little and look at hot boys at bars and clubs. You get to be flirty, you get to have more guy friends, you get to LET LOOSE for once in your stressful life! It's hard to feel this RIGHT after your break up but it'll come eventually because it's inevitable. Just know that your not alone and your life will still go on!


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