Thursday, May 31, 2012

Les Miserables Movie Update

Aren't you excited? 

Well, here's my breakdown of how I feel. Firstly, when I first heard Anne Hathaway (playing Fantine) sing, I was like "meh". I guess it just wasn't something I was used to, I've always had a certain way of hearing this song - I've heard it done so many times, I myself have sung it too! Then, it continues. The images and the combined heart pounded. It's finally together. The story, the music, everything was coming alive to the screen - it was beautiful. And then when the strong part of the song came by - I was touched, Ms. Hathaway you did well ((still wanna hear the whole thing though!!)). The cast looks great, the costumes, the scenery - looking so so so great. I just can't wait!!! SO EXCITED. 


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Vogue: Scarlett Johansson

Vogue. May 2012.

Absolutely Stunning. 
Just beautiful! ((And Mark Ruffalo - Nice!!)) 


Rushed Sex

Mover and Shaker

Here's Why: This move is guaranteed to get you—and your guy—off quickly.

Erotic Instructions: Lie facedown on top of a washing machine, with your feet flat on the floor. Have your guy stand facing your butt, between your legs. Once you're going at it, turn on the machine. Have him lean forward so that his thighs are pressed against you. The vibrations will rock through his entire body.

Thanks Cosmo! (Sex Positions for Every Mood)

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer Trips for 2012

Here are some ideas for summer vacation spots if you're still undecided on where to go.

1. Pawleys Island, South Carolina

2. Isla del Sol, Bolivia

3. Argyll and the Isles, Scotland

4. Baltimore, Maryland

5. Barcelona, Spain

6. Traverse City, Michigan

7. Spencer Glacier, Alaska

8. Channel Islands, California

9. Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta, Canada

10. St. Petersburg, Russia


Monday, May 28, 2012

The South End of Boston

If you're ever in Boston, you must check out the beautiful South End neighborhood. 
Especially go to Flour! - Their brownies (or any baked good) IS AMAAZING. 

Need more places to go to Boston?
Check out the previous post Boston Lovin'
If you have questions or want to know more about specific places - comment/mail us!


Experimental Sex

Try: The Pinwheel

Here's Why: It takes a little adjusting to get into position, but once you do…wowzer.

Erotic Instructions: You and your partner lie on your sides facing the same direction. First, you lower your crotch onto his, wrapping your legs around either side of his torso. Your arms should be stretched out behind you supporting your weight. He then encircles your waist with his legs and grips your upper thighs and thrusts gently.

Thanks Cosmo! (Sex Positions for Every Mood)

15 Super Foods

1. Nuts
Buts are backed with monounsaturated fatty acids (good fats) that lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes. Eating a high-protein, high-fat snack, such as almonds, increases your calorie burn for up to 3 and a half hours. And just one ounce of almonds boosts vitamin-E levels, increasing memory and cognitive performance.
2. Eggs
Eating eggs for breakfast (as opposed to something like bagels)  gives higher energy levels and allows you to lose more weight, with no effect on their cholesterol or triglyceride levels. Egg protein helps boost muscle strength and development more than other proteins do because of its high concentrations of the amino acid leucine. And egg protein is also better at keeping you from getting hungry over a sustained period.
3. Whole Grains
People who eat whole grains daily weighed less than those who eat only refined-grain foods.
Whole-grain eaters lose more belly fat than those who eat refined grains. Whole grains more favorably affect blood-glucose levels, which means they don’t cause wild swings in blood sugar and ratchet up cravings after you eat them. Plus, the antioxidants in whole grains help control inflammation and insulin (a hormone that tells your body to store belly fat).

4. Avocado
Just because a food has plenty of fat and calories in it doesn’t mean it’s “fattening.” Avocados  aren't fattening, because they’re loaded with healthy fat and fiber and don't cause wild swings in insulin levels. So enjoy the fat in avocados, olive oil, and nuts. Research shows that diets containing upward of 50 percent fat are just as effective for weight loss as those that are low in fat.
5. Meat
Grass-fed beef, chicken, and pork is leaner and healthier than conventional livestock—and will help trim away pounds. Grass-fed beef is so much more nutritious than commodity beef that it's almost a different food. Grass-fed beef contains more conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which has been shown to reduce abdominal fat while building lean muscle. It also has more omega-3s and less omega-6s than corn-fed beef. It’s the same with chickens; free-range chickens have significantly more omega-3s than grain-fed chickens, less harmful fat, and fewer calories than grain-fed varieties. This is important because omega-3s improve your mood, boost your metabolism, sharpen your brain, and help you lose weight.
6. Fish
Generally, small, oily ocean fish (herring, mackerel, sardines) are low in toxins and score highest in omega-3s. Wild Alaskan salmon, Pacific Halibut, Rainbow Trout, and Yellowfin tuna are generally low in toxins and high in nutrients. And then there are fish that we should avoid at all times: farmed (or “Atlantic”) salmon, farmed tilapia, Atlantic cod, Chilean Sea Bass, and farmed shrimp. 

7. Berries
After eating a high-carb, high-sugar meal, free radicals (rogue molecules produced when your body breaks down food) attack the neurons that tell us when we’re full. The result: It’s hard to judge when hunger is satisfied. Escape the cycle of overindulgence by eating foods that are rich in antioxidants. The berries that give you the most antioxidant bang per bite, in order: cranberries, black currents, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates.

8. Instant Oats
Fiber is the secret to losing weight without hunger. Do nothing to your diet other than add more of the rough stuff, and you will lose nine pounds in a year, effortlessly. Instant oats are one of the easiest ways to get more real fiber into your diet. Plus, new research indicates that oats can also cut your risk of high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes, and even reduce your risk of weight gain. Oats also have 10 grams of protein per 1/2-cup serving, so they deliver steady muscle-building energy. Choose oatmeal that contains whole oats and low sodium, which also has whole-grain wheat flakes and flaxseed.
9. Vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables—like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, cabbage, Swiss chard, and bok choy—are all rich in folate, and the more folate you have in your diet, the lower your risk of obesity, heart disease, stroke, cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s, and depression. New research shows that folate helps protect against damage from estrogenic chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA), which have been linked to obesity.These veggies also rich in potassium, which help preserve lean muscle mass.
10. Apples
Eating the peel of an apple is a great way to add more fiber and nutrients into your diet. But there’s a downside: The peel is where fruit tends to absorb and retain most of the pesticides they are exposed to, apples and peaches being the worst offenders. That’s why, for maximum weight-loss potential, it is strongly recommended that you buy organic versions of apples, pears, peaches, and other eat-the-peel fruits.

11. Beans
Study after study reveals that bean eaters live longer and weigh less. One study showed that people who eat 3/4 cup of beans daily weigh 6.6 pounds less than those who don't eat beans. Another study found that people who eat one and a half servings of beans a day (3/4 cup) have lower blood pressure and smaller waist sizes than those who skip beans in favor of other proteins.

12. Dark ChocolateResearch shows that dark chocolate can improve heart health, lower blood pressure, reduce LDL ("bad") cholesterol, decrease the risk of blood clots, and increase blood flow to the brain. Dark chocolate boosts serotonin and endorphin levels, which is associated with improved mood and greater concentration; it's rich in B vitamins and magnesium, which are noted cognitive boosters; it contains small amounts of caffeine, which helps with short-term concentration.

13. Ice Cream
Calcium-rich desserts like ice cream bind to fatty acids in the digestive tract, blocking their absorption. Half a cup of vanilla ice cream gives you 19 milligrams of choline, which translates to protection from cancer, heart attack, stroke, and dementia. We’re not suggesting you have a bowlful of ice cream every night. But a scoop every few days isn’t the diet-saboteur it’s made out to be.

14. YogurtProbiotics and enzymes, those friendly bacteria found in yogurt, may be the key to losing those last stubborn inches around your waist. They not only help the digestive system work properly, but also have a profound effect on the metabolism.
15. Tea
If you swap just one soda a day for water or unsweetened tea or coffee, you’ll lose 2.5 pounds each month. Cutting down on liquid calories has a bigger impact than cutting down on calories from foods. Instead of sugary beverages, try green tea, which is high in the plant compound called ECGC, which promotes fat burning. 


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Playful Sex

Try: The Head Game

Here's Why: You get to practice your yoga moves while getting down and dirty.

Erotic Instructions: Start by lying flat on the ground face up. With your hands supporting your lower back, lift your legs and backside up so they're as perpendicular to the ground as you can get them. Have your man kneel before you, grab your ankles, and bring his knees to your shoulders. Then take his hands and ask him to hold your hips. Hold his thighs for leverage and adjust so your genitals can join for some upside-down action.

Thanks Cosmo! (Sex Positions for Every Mood)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Athletic Sex

Try: Pleasure Pick-Me-Up

Here's Why: Your balancing skills and thigh muscles get a workout with this move.

Erotic Instructions: Standing with his back against the edge of the bed (or even the washer or dryer), your stud picks you up with his hands cradling your bottom and the backs of your thighs. Wrap your legs around his waist (place your feet on the bed for support) and your arms around his neck and shoulders. As his penis enters you, you hang suspended from him, bouncing up and down with the help of his arms.

Thanks Cosmo! (Sex Positions for Every Mood)

Minor Setback

Hello Everyone! We have a minor setback trying to figure out this issue with storage and our blog. What to do. What to do! Well, hopefully we'll be back soon!


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Horny Sex

Try: Time Bomb

Here's Why: You're in the driver's seat so you control the pace.

Erotic Instructions: Have him sit down in a low chair with his legs relaxed. Facing him, straddle him with your feet on the floor, slowly lowering yourself onto his erection with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Start by letting just the tip of his penis enter you, then lower yourself inch by inch until you're allowing him full entry by bearing all the way down on his thighs.

Thanks Cosmo!! ((Sex Positions for Every Mood))

Reasons You Have Belly Fat

1. You're Doing Crunches, Not Cardio
While ab exercises will tone your core muscles, they won't do anything about the layer of fat covering them up. Cardio is a must because it's the only way you can burn calories, which will decrease your overall percentage of body fat, to slim down your tummy and reveal your toned tummy.

2. Your Cardio Isn't Intense Enough
If you really want to melt away unwanted pounds, the kind of cardio you do matters. You must exercise for at least an hour a day, five times a week, doing heart-pumping, high-intensity cardio like running, biking, swimming, or dancing. Keep in mind that interval training targets your waistline, so mix up your pace for even faster results.

3. You're Skipping Breakfast
It would make sense that eating less would help you lose weight, but you should never skip meals, especially the first meal of the day. Eating breakfast jump starts your metabolism, regulates your blood sugar levels, and gives you energy until lunch. Make sure your breakfast choice is high in protein and fiber to fill you up.

4. You Follow the Three-Meals-a-Day Rule
Eating three meals a day was a standard way of eating many years ago, but the problem with this plan is that you end up starving by the time it's mealtime. It's best to eat three regular meals and one or two healthy snacks throughout the day. Spacing out your calories and eating every three or so hours regulates your blood sugar and controls the release of insulin that can cause your body to store more calories as fat.

5. You're Kicking Back More Than a Few
The one-drink-a-day isn't just good for your health; it's also good for your waistline. Alcohol can add on hundreds of extra calories, so if you're trying to slim down your belly, ditch the alcoholic bevvies for a month or so, and you're sure to notice a difference.
