Sunday, July 17, 2011

What Guys Hate To Hear From Girls

Guys are confusing, but girls are more confusing. We have a set of questions we love to ask, and when we do, we have a certain expectation of what the guy should say or do back. But come on ladies, guys aren't mind readers and neither do they have a relationship 101 manual to seek advice from. When in a relationship, both sides have their positives and negatives, and the relationship itself has up and downs, but to minimize the damage, here are a few things guys HATE to hear.
1. "What were you doing with her?"
Not every girl your man lays his eyes on or grazes against the shoulder is his "new girl, mistress, or secret girlfriend." Every man has temptations but seriously, we have to put some faith in our boyfriend's that they aren't going to cheat otherwise how will a relationship ever move forward? Suspecting, analyzing, over observing and even sneaking around in his cell phone texts will just add more boiling water to the relationship. If something is seriously wrong with your man then converse with him goddamit, don't get all whiny, don't ask too many questions or your only going to push him away.

*A time to break the rule*- If there is ONE girl that he always talks to, pays more attention to than you, and makes excuses to ditch you to hang out with her, then you have yourself a situation. If talking or asking your man doesn't work then I give you permission to slightly scoop.

2. "Nothing its fine, do what you want."
Ladies, your man isn't a mind reader. So many girls, well EVERY girl at some point has said "Nothing its fine, do what you want," but deep in their hearts they EXPECT the guy to do otherwise. They expect him to say no I want what you want, or I wont go to the other commitment I made, basically, whatever makes her happy. But he doesn't get it! He is like are you sure? well okay, I'll call you later! Obviously, her brain goes completely nuts and she starts getting angry and his simple but confused response is "WTF?" They don't analyze and they don't over observe that's just a guy's brain--DON'T expect too much and if your going to, then teach them first, trust me they need it.

3. "When me and my ex.."
The funny thing about girls is they feel like they can say whatever they want, but when it comes to the guy saying the exact same things, girls get over emotional and super senti. In a normal conversation between a girlfriend and a boyfriend there always comes a time where your at some place or you said something and fall into a moment down memory lane and  say "oh me and my ex...." That is a complete no. No guy likes to hear about another man let alone be compared to another man. Guys have feelings too and feeling inferior is not a part of their agenda so be careful what you say. 
4. "Tell me what you really think about my body."
Okay ladies, you have a great guy with you, you have a great relationship why are you getting insecure? Even if your a little bigger than most, you have a boyfriend for a reason, and that reason is because he's into you! Guy's hate it when you talk about your weight because if they say your perfect, your going to get mad for not being honest, and if they say otherwise, your feelings are going to be hurt! STOP thinking your fat and stop comparing yourself to other girls, because your man is with you! Cherish that and just know, that big IS also  sexy!

5. "Sorry I'll be there in five."
This alpha has a big problem with being late. I think I'm late most of the time by either +5 to 10 minutes. I just can't help it. I have a problem with timing. It's either deciding what to wear, how I should do my hair, or checking if I have everything that always just gets me late. While your girlfriends can tolerate your bad habit, some guys just get super irritated unless your guy takes longer than you to get dressed. Make sure to set your alarm 10 minutes in ADVANCE because guy's don't like to be kept waiting once they are in the relationship.

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