Monday, July 11, 2011

Heal Your Hangover

Alpha's are sure they speak for everyone when they say; nobody enjoys a hangover. So why not try whatever you can do to get rid of one or even avoid one.

Avoiding Hangovers:

  1. Drink a glass of water with each alcoholic beverage you have
  2. Eat plenty before drinking alcohol
  3. Consume dairy products
  4. Stick to one type of drink
  5. Stop when you feel uncomfortable
  6. Drink a pint of water before going to bed
  7. Stay active to speed your bodies metabolism
  8. Drink prickle pear fruit
  9. Have liquor before beer
  10. Consume one drink per hour

Curing Hangovers:

  1. Advil and caffeine 
  2. Drink a sports drink
  3. Drink a fruit juice that is high in vitamin C
  4. Eat bland foods
  5. Take a hot bath
  6. Consume vitamin B
  7. Get some fresh air and exercise 
  8. Drink ginger ale
  9. Consume honey
  10. Place a cool wash cloth on your head

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