Friday, August 12, 2011

Watch Out: Top College Health Hazzards

As the Alphas are heading off to college, we are all getting our vaccine shots. Some of the shots seem pointless like the whopping cough. However, as most of us are going to live in a college dorm - we can all expect the worst. Teenagers aren't the cleanest people on earth, especially if we have maids or parents who vaccum, do our laundry and change our sheets. Sadly, thats were all the germs come and attack. Not only in our bedsheets, but also in the bathroom as well as other people's germs.

My brother, studying to become a nurse, is all about being steralized and concerned about my well being in college. He directed me to a website that pointed out the top 7 "health hazzards" for college students.

Meningitis: The number one vaccine that is mandatory! A very fatal disease which is often prevelant in tiny dorm rooms, sharing items, kissing, and anyway of spreading bacteria. Get lots of sleep, wash your hands, clean your countertops and avoid people who are sick. Go sleep in someone elses dorm if your roomates are even the slightest sick.
Kissing Disease: Also known as mono. Unlike the flu, its hard to know you have the symptoms. Try not to be so experimental and kissing everyguy you meet but also wash your hands! Also avoid sharing drinks, that is a deathly choice. Try to avoid mono, cause like you've seen in glee, it gets you into bedrest for weeks and well, its probably hard to get any action after you've been dubbed with the disease.
Colds and Flu: Get the Flu Vaccine! Its surprising not alot of universities require this, but do get it if you have the chance. You don't out to be out sick for weeks and missing classes. Or snezzing and coughing all over the place, for one its not 'chic', acne is very prevelant, you'll be spreading it, and its unlikely someone will be there to take care of you. Wash your hands is the best advice! Any chance you get - buy yourself a hand santizer. It gets pretty addicting once you use it!
Mold: Wash those dishes, empty your fridge.. don't just leave them around. Bug your roomates if they keep their dishes in the sink for too long. Not only in your food, but in your small closests, walls, and bathrooms do they grow. Do your best to keep them dry! If you have a wet item in your laundry hamper, by all means clean it and dry em asap!  
Bedbugs: Clean your Sheets in hot,hot water at least once every one and half weeks. Your bed will act as a couch/desk/bed, and I'm sure you won't be the only one using it. Bedbugs are expensive to treat so avoid used furniture and clean out your traveling luggage immediately. Don't let the bedbugs bite ;)

Athlete's Foot: Wear those flip flops in the shower! Don't share those flip-flops or shoes that don't require you to wear socks - bacteria loves damp areas! The bathroom and sweat is their heaven. Also, dry inbetween your toes and feet so no fungus can grow.

Sleep Deprivation: Many students pull all-nighters, weather its writing that paper or partying it all night. Both can just be dangerous to your health and cause bad sleeping habits, bad grades, as well as acne!
Try not to drink caffine at least 4 hours before you head to bed or if you really need to pull an allnighter - drink plenty of water and every hour splash cold, cold water. It works trust me! Try not to multitask while writing that paper, it makes you more alert and gives you a harder time when heading to bed.

Basically, don't forget your proper hygine, clean your sheets, stay hydrated, and don't procastinate. Stay healthy.  


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