Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Only In Japan

Even after living in Japan for 14 years, I still learn something new everyday. On the outside the Japanese seem to be this polite, clean, orderly, and rule-running culture however you'd be surprised! There are just somethings were I laugh or have my jaw drop because I am just shocked out of disbelief that anyone would do this. And I'm telling you, its Only in Japan were you'll experiance this.

The Kanamara Matsuri or otherwise known as the Penis Festival. Yes, the penis festival and you better believe it. Its not some gay convention but its actual people lugging around Penis shrines aroudn Tokyo and all the food items are shaped as a penis. The cups of the drinks, the ice cream popsicles, and better yet there is a seasaw shaped penis. Granted, 70% of the people attending are foreigners but that 30% and whoever started to create this whole festival are Japanese. Check out this video if you don't believe me.

Butler Cafe is a cafe made specfically for women. In Japan, there are cafes called the "Maid Cafe" where japanese women are dressed in maid costumes and are extremely nice to men like say "Good Afternoon Master". However, for this cafe it is foreign men as the maids! If you don't know Japanese culture, they love foreigners. As in they go crazy for them - screaming, shouting, ahhhing..just as if they were actual celebrities. So this place is filled with foreign men going - "hello princess", bowing at your service, lifting you up when you ask for directions to the toilet, and well pictures with "hot" men. Apperantly, some Japanese women come back at least once a month because they need that kind of 'excitement'.

If I knew any of this at least weeks before I had to leave for the states, I would have dragged one of the ALPHAS for a road trip because this is too hilarious to pass up.

This isn't a tourist destination but one that is so prevelant in Japan - Sleeping on Trains. I don't know how many times I've experianced this but everytime my friends and I crack up and snap that photo. Its not only the fact that they are sleeping, its that its in the weridest of position. My favorite is the one my friends and I took up above. If you are ever in Japan, make sure to take a late train home just for kicks.


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