Saturday, August 6, 2011

Are You One of THOSE Couples?

I've been there. We've seen it. Were kind of sick of it. Ever heard of privacy? Bluntly, some couples are just plain annoying and we kind of want them to get a room. Some couple behaviors are cute at first but then it gets boring, old, really boring, super old, and sadly, never disintegrates. If you don't see it in one couple, you see it in the next, its a never ending cycle of habits. Here are couple of them, and for those that are in a relationship, be aware and kind of tone it down if you realize that you're getting a bad vibe from it.

1. Stop Fighting or Breakup
This is PROBABLY the most common habit a lot of couples have. I had it too. Here's how it goes. You fight, you fight some more, you break up, you say your done, and in an hour or a day tops, you get back together. Think that's a bit too much? Try watching, listening, or being a friend of a friend who does this EVERYDAY.  As a friend, you get annoyed of hearing the same fights, the same arguments, and that SAME friend saying he or she is done over and over again but goes back into the toxic relationship. You're tired of telling her that this relationship isn't working out and you're tired of her not listening, but as a duty of a good friend, you have to be there, how unfortunate.

2. Get a ROOM
PDA! PDA! PDA! Public Display Of Affection. For some couples it's actually really cute when you see them holding hands, hugging in the hallways, and giving each other pecks. I love it when I see a guy waiting for a girl and they hold hands down the hallway, or couples strolling the streets together; but when you see a couple full on making out all the time, touching each other in ina-pro-pro places and always kissing each other it gets uncomfortable. Recently I had a friend tell me that one of the couples in her grade, even when they are in a public place or with a group of people, just start making their way to second base. It's really gross and when your in that situation you kind of just scrunch your face or try to look away.

3. Eh..Matching Outfits?
While this isn't a big issue, it is in some countries, not for younger couples but for older. In some countries, couples love to match outfits with each other. If it's for an event, or even one time matching clothes is kind of cute, I don't advise you to do it more than that, it's not that pleasant. Halloween, Valentines Day, or like your first day on your first vacation is like totally cute, but please, don't make it a daily routine.

4. He's Coming Again?
It's really annoying when your boyfriend comes with you everywhere, even on a girls night out or a girls hang out. Think this doesn't happen? It does completely, if the guys is even remotely comfortable or close to your girlfriend, your friend won't be shy to ask if you if she can bring her boyfriend around. If it gets too much you should definitely talk with your friend about it.

5. Who Ya Textin? 
If the boyfriend isn't coming out with you guys, she might be always texting him on the side. Under the table, she'll go to the bathroom, or she'll even leave to talk to him on the phone. She's so hooked on him that it's just a habit to text her boyfriend all the time. It feels like she's not there because she's on her phone all the time, and it kind of sucks to loose your friend to her boyfriend.

6. We Don't Want to See Your Freaking Wall Posts
This is probably the most annoying out of all; when couples write on each others wall like it's needed for survival or something. With the bunch of hearts and every day I love you's, sad quotes, or even where did you go? Come online, things like that are just completely unnecessary to have on your wall, FACEBOOK did invent an inbox you know. We like it when we see occasional photos, birthday I love you's or happy valentines day, but come on we don't need to know every single thing about your life, and if you guys are that couple obsessed, use your twitter, we don't want it to flood our minifeed.

Here it is, the annoying couple habits that are just getting old. It's the plain, simple, harsh truth but I think it needs to be said. However, I don't get me wrong because relationships are something fun to be in, but why not flaunt it to the entire world? As long as you and your boyfriend are happy, and you guys do things occassionaly in public like photos, wallposts, and pdaing, it is completely fine and SO adorable!


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