Friday, August 12, 2011

Cosmo: Sensual Ways to Pamper Your Body

From the most recent issue of Cosmopolitian, there were two pages dedicted to: 25 Sensual Ways (for Women) to Pamper their body. I found it very chic, affordable, and funny all at the same time. I'll only share the ones with you, I feel you can really do or is too interesting too skip.

1) Stick a bowl of grapes in your freezer. When you come home after a super humand day, let each one slowly melt in your mouth
2)Set your IPOD to wake you up with a song that is associtated to a hot-sexual time.
3)Come early evening (5am-7am), stirp down and check your-self out in the mirror. It is your most flattering self under the most flattering light, sun rise.
4) Chill your lotion in the fridge and rub it on before you head to bed
5) Instead of push-ups and sit-ups, work your girl muslces like your butt or kegels.
6) Create your own nook for you to chill and zone out. Fluffy Pillows, lots of light, soothing colors.

7) Watch or read a tummy-tingling sex scene. Ryan Gosling and Rachel Mcadams in the Notebook, Any moment between Big and Carrie Bradshaw in Sex and the City, or The chapter in the Time Travelers Wife.
8) Dangle your foot above a sprinkler and let it tickle you
9) Drop pepermint oil through your tresses while in the bath and shower - you'll have an invigorating whiff
10) Chill your bathrobe so after a long hot day, when a cold shower isn't enough, you'll be shimming into that nice crisp robe
11) Give yourselves goose bumps by sweeping a new, clean toothbrush over the cruves of your neck and collarbone
12) Lotion Candle - Let the wax melt into a delicious-smelling moisturizer that you can use on your whole body

Do you have any creative, sensual ways to pamper yourself?


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