Monday, August 15, 2011

Sex and the City: The Men

Since I explained the different women of Sex and the City, I thought that it would be interesting to investigate the leading men in their lives...maybe you know some man that fits under that category? Interesting right?


Mr. Big - Man of Mystery (With Commitment Issues!) 
Mr. Big: The name says it all. He is larger than life, dashingly handsome, and oh-so unattainable. A pure gentleman with class but don't worry has that edgy and dirtiness like all men - it's just ignored because of his charm. He's probably the longest male character in the series, and he has his ups and downs. He seems so open and willing yet he won't seriously involve himself in anything and is generally concerned with comfort and maintaining a balanced, easy-going detachment. He really is a mystery!

Let's start with the positive - he has a calm powerful presence - he's hard not to notice. A classic New Yorker, the man about own. He's like jazz: cool and suave. Very unpredictable but also very passionate. Having said all this he does also loves the lack of responsibility. Often times he is disengaged, too peaceful, unconcerned and somewhat adventurous (both a good and bad quality). He also has an affinity for gorgeous women be it models, actresses, or a simple woman on the street. It's strange though because he has married a  real, down to earth woman before, and he takes good care of his mother.

Even though it may not seem like he cares, he does though and he loves deeply. You can categorize Mr. Big with those kinds of men who don't seek love and marriage, but deep down inside if you're the right person he will open up and give in. Basically, the man who is afraid of total commitment.

Standford Blatch The Gay Best Friend
Relaxed, accepting, sweet, almost never takes offense over anything and is a pleasant individual altogether. Is a warm, loyal friend and has a knack for colorful flowery clothes. Will always be there for any kind of advice and if plans fail, he's your go-to galpal. His love life is almost as bad as a woman's so he can easily relate to your troubles and pain. Can get rigid and intolerant at times, but generally he will be optimistic, forgiving, and quite adventurous.

Aidan Shaw - Man to Marry
This man managed to stay pretty permanent in Carrie's life. Relaxed, pleasant, irresistibly charming, with laid-back sex appeal. He has that sweet smile, those deep eyes that smolder and smooth lips; ideally it's that one special guy. At first he was a little scruffy, shaggy and open. But after he was hurt once, well he did become quite tough. He's the complete opposite to Mr. Big who is commitment phobic - he's warm, accessible and will always be there. There really seems to be nothing wrong with him - not a flaw.

A down fall maybe his self-righteous streak and there is a certain rigidity about him. Sometimes he's open and flexible, but he can be fairly stubborn and intolerant. But one wrong slip of Carrie's - I mean cheating is definitely a no-no in relationships - and he's never really gotten over the past, and it may not be noticeable but he really did punish her. But after talking and believing that they really are in love again, he really did become Mr. Perfect - wanting to move in, and really just marry and settle down! Don't let this one go!

Aleksandr Petrovsky - The Romantic Artist
An older man with Russian charm and artist qualities. He's had many different women in his life and he seems to can't resist being the romantic. Clearly he is a passionate and soulful lover - he's hardworking and appreciative. He tends to appear as refined, sensitive and special at first sight. But, he has a colder, self-centered, career-oriented personality. He's very concerned with other people's opinion of his work and aims to impress by showing a romantic side that doesn't truly characterize him. Once he obtains social validation, he forget about his love - from one love to the next.

Steve Brady - The Best Friend 
He's a bartender...not really standard dating material. But, he's sweet, soft-spoken, sincere, optimistic, trusting, easy to get along with - overall a nice guy. Even though he's all grown up, he's still managed to keep his boyish charms which is probably why he's not really structured and more relaxed, with relatively low expectations out of life. Immature and lacks ambition: can you really have a grown-up relationship with him? Even though you can't have that kind of relationship, he's a great friend and really does listen and tries to cheer you up - he is very optimistic. He's cute, scruffy and will worship and adore you - and you know what eventually he will grow into his man shoes.

Jack Berger The Funny Guy
On the surface he's the perfect guy - cool, funny and charming. Everything is great everywhere else - conversation, kissing and making out, restaurants, dates...just not in the bedroom...oh dear. It's probably just nerves, after you break that awkward barrier things really do seem to heat up in the bedroom. Everything is going great and the future looks bright. But just a little problem with work - and he's unstable. Having a very hard time personally and unable to control it results in an inability to respect and be happy for another's success. Fights often occur over stupid and silly reasons, easily patched up until a break up might end up on a Post-it note.

Smith Jerrod - Young Love
Takes direction well...well if there's something there in return. A bit disengaged with his career and whatever else is going on in his life, apart from his relationship of course. He's accepting and nice and doesn't mind that other people decide for him, but he will be there for his girlfriend in a more assertive way. Really though, he will adore the girl in his life and be that cute high school kind of boyfriend - will hold your hand, make you laugh, be there for you in your hardest times.

Anthony Marentino Sassy Gay Friend

Have a fashion or dating emergency? Call Anthony up! He's a wedding planner so I'm sure he's dealt with all kinds of crazy. He is very straight forward - really, he cuts right to the chase. Always very blunt, unafraid to speak his mind. He loves to play devil's advocate, and encourages his girl Charlotte to take chances and get out there! He will maintain by yourself and be quite the support - will definitely tell you the truth!

Harry Goldenblatt The Unexpected Love
Harry is probably the total opposite of a man you want to be seen with - he's bald and chews with his mouth open. But then again, love can appear in the strangest places. Accepting and tolerant, playful and understanding. A nice guy. Is relaxed and supportive, while at times can boldly go for what he wants. Although he may not look the part, he can be a Prince Charming.

Richard Wright - The Wealthy Bachelor 
Powerful, rich and unabashedly confident - is truly the sexist alpha male out there. Richard isn't really the relationship type - more like Samantha going from one fuck to the other. He knows what he wants and usually gets it. A proud and professionally seducer - he really can get any woman he sets his eyes on. Even if you do manage to reign him in, he's still going to have his power bachelor urgings and may let you down. Is it just commitment-phobia? Or, is he really just power hungry?

Trey McDougal - Mama's Boy
The fairy tale man - handsome, rich, great social standing, mannered and a doctor too! He really does seem to be Charlotte's ideal man - but there are a lot of unseen faults. He lacks in personality and is overly submissive to his mother's overwhelming presence. Oh and for quite a while had a hard time getting hard (ha) and this was discovered because he really didn't want to get married but thought that it was 'social protocol' for a man of his age. Of course they tried to solve their many obstacles, but sadly it's hard when two people want different things (and it's also tough when your mother-in-law in constantly nagging and being such a bitch). Trey is a gentleman through and through though, even at the end of the relationship he still showed that he cared and kept his promise.


I'm pretty positive that sooner or later we will run into one of these men in our lifetime. Hopefully though, we toss out those bad ones and go straight for the right and perfect man!


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