"Start taking good care of yourself when you're young and you'll never regret it later - no matter how much you may regret that last mile on the treadmill right now."
Age seems to be flaunting me in the face everywhere I go: first, it's the Age Issue of Vogue; second, on TV there was a segment on this show that asked people to guess how old certain people were, and finally (still being underage) there's talk about how to look older and acquiring fake IDs. The way we look and how we age is such a big deal nowadays - most people hardly embrace their aging and instead go for the newest creams and moisturizers that will lift their skin and remove wrinkles. So, this rose a question. Can we really tell how old a person is? Seriously, while watching this television show this pre-teen looked like she was in her twenties while this girl who was actually 22 looked like she was 12. And another women who was in her forties looked younger than her own daughter, and she herself was a grandparent. Really, can we tell the difference?
At a certain age there's a look that I want when that time comes - I don't want to dress like a teenager when I'm in my thirties like some women I see. I hope that when I get older, I really will embrace my older age. Of course I'll still worry about my face (wrinkles and spots and such), maybe my figure, but I'm actually excited to get gray hairs. I don't know what I'll look like, but I've always wanted to be that old lady with the bright white hair like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada - I just think its so glamorous and chic! I also can't wait to have that older lady, professional and sleek wardrobe. Maybe I'm crazy but it's so true! (Of course if I don't stick to this plan, you'll know haha).
- Deborah Ann Woll
Vogue, August 2011

Why are people now obsessed at looking a different age? If you're young you want to look older, if you're old you want to look younger. Is anybody content anymore? I mean I'm included in this whole thing! Every time I go out, I always try to make myself look older with my make-up and clothes...and it works the majority of the time. But at the same time, I'm trying so hard to keep my skin have that youthful look so I wash my face often, wear sunscreen, and lather moisturizer. Thinking about it just confuses me all the time! What's this obsession with age?
I think that each decade of life should be experienced differently and be embraced. When your a child be happy that you can go out and play! Pre-teen and teenage years, puberty sucks but I mean it's the decade of firsts right? First kiss, boyfriends, make-up, experimenting with different looks, sex, school! It's all a mess but seriously, aren't those many people's fondest memories. (Funny though, you don't really want to go back there!) And then you reach your twenties - college, parties, beginnings of jobs, serious relationships maybe? Independence! Thirty, flirty and thriving! Whether your single or hitched at this point - you're still young and capable of having a fun time and successful professional life...right? Forties - I mean I can't wait to have a family and act (and dress!) like a mother and wife or such. Okay, I know I haven't reached past twenty, but I have all these images of what I want to be when the numbers come!

I can't wait to go through the different stages of my life - and look the part.
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