Studies have actually been reported that friends are generally better able to predict whether a couple will make it than the couple themselves. The problem is that women are often reluctant to tell friends the truth in matters of the heart - they're afraid of being bitch-slapped if they say to a pal, "I've got to be honest here. He's so not worth it." Of course sometimes your friend does get it wrong, but you realize that they are only trying to protect you from getting hurt. So, be open with your friends and let them be open with you. They probably have their own experiences that might fit with your situation.
One area where friends aren't so reluctant to be honest and can offer valuable insight is with your job or career. Of course, it has to be a pal who won't blab, knows something about the work world you're in, and doesn't secretly want your career to blow up. Friends see strengths you may not acknowledge and can give you a push - like to ask for a raise or start your own company. These friends may often provide you with some cool ideas and new prospects. Everyone should have a friend like that! If you're going to use pals as a resource, be strategic: Venting about a bad boss or obnoxious coworker doesn't accomplish much and makes you more stressed. Let yourself as well as your friends open up to problems at work and help them try to come up with solutions. They will often have some great tips - and it's good because they're objective and also pretty fresh! Seriously, I know when Alpha gets together to talk we all just talk and talk either to seek advice or some sort of confirmation and at least for me it makes me feel better and more confident. Try it and tell us if it worked for you!
**Inspired by the 'From the Editor' of the August 2011 issue of Cosmopolitan**
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