Just wanted to say, SEASON 4 of JERSEY SHORE JUST CAME OUT, and I WENT FREAKING NUTS. I absolutely LOVE the Jersey Shore. I admit, some of the characters act kind of dumb, and sometimes they get annoying, but I just love the drama, the partying, the cat fights, the ups and downs of the relationships, the hooking up, the funny quotes, and definitely GTLING which in Jersey Shore terms is "Gym, Tan, and Laundry." The crew started off in Jersey (duh! the name) and live in a house while they work together, party together, cry together, laugh together, fight together, and become a family together. The success had the season renewed in Miami, then Jersey again, and now Italy!
They are the most dysfunctional, crazy, out of this world dramatic people in the world! If you want to see boobs, making out, ugly girls hooking up with hot guys, doing cartwheels without your underwear, cheating on your boyfriend, having a boyfriend thats married, fist fights, mixing wild drinks, the scenery of Jersey shore, and even more, watch EVERY SEASON of the SHORE from Jersey, Miami, Jersey again and now TAKING IT INTERNATIONAL, ITALY! If your already a FAN then YEAH, Italy is going to be crazy!

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