I am really dependent on my iPod and iTunes - like dependent. If I lost all my music and videos I would seriously cry my eyes out for months! Maybe years!! I have about 7,600 songs and like 40 Movies and TV Episodes - so it's a big deal for me. So, I not only have to back up my music a hard drive but I always keep my iPod pretty updates just incase my iTunes crashes.
My iTunes has crashed before and it was really horrible. I really was devastated. But thankfully I still had my iPod with all my music and everything. But I really didn't know what to do and my sister's boyfriend told me about iDump - which really did save my music life! It transferred all my music, podcasts, videos back to my library! I was so happy and it kept everything - the play count, the playlists and the albume art too! The best part though - it was all free.

Okay, like 5 years later I'm facing a similar problem. My original iTunes didn't crash, my I'm switching new computers and I want to load all my music again. Of course, I could've just used my harddrive to transfer my music - which I kind of did, and it turned out really messy for some reason - so I turned to iDump again. Apparently, it's not free anymore and it's no longer the most effective or the simplest program out there. So, I had to do my research and I stumbled upon iRip.
iRip is actually really for Macs, but I sure somewhere you can find a similar program or edition for PCs. So, first you can actually try it for free. You can download the program and transfer 100 songs from your iPod or iPhone to your itunes. It's super simple! Really. You just select which iPod or iPhone you want to use and then select what you want to transfer - amazing. Okay, after you try the free download, you can either chose to buy it online or look for another. I actually bought it and I thought $20 was a great price. It's unlimited and you can use anybody's iPod or iPhone.
My music life has been saved. Thank you iRip. Here's the Link!
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