Monday, October 10, 2011

Q & A

Some answers (from real guys) that I thought were worth mentioning from the September Issue of Cosmopolitan!

1. Do guys ever prefer a hang job over having sex?
Yes, but only when full-on sex isn't an option, such as on an airplane or at the DMW.

4. Is it intimidating when we (girls) tell you what to do in bed?
No, we like it; it's like having a GPS (G-Spot Positioning System). Extra points for using a fake British accent.

6. Do guys care about a flabby stomach or cellulite?
Not so much. Don't make it a big deal, and he won't either.

11. Do guys like to have their balls played with during sex?
Do chicks like compliments? Of course we do!

15. How much does breast size really matter?
You can have a great pair of A's or a great pair of D's. If they look good, we're happy.

16. What's better - a light touch or a firm touch on your penis?

23. How do I know if I'm good at sex?
Men will make involuntary noises you would never expect to hear. Then they'll pass out.

31. Do guys like when a girl changes sex positions, or would they prefer to do it?
When a girl takes control in bed, it's beyond sexy.

39. What satisfies men most?
You screaming in ecstasy.

49. What do we do wrong in bed that guys don't tell us?
Be more assertive. It is such a turn-on when a girl tells us what she likes.

55. How important is it to make a woman climax?
Very important! It's a huge confidence booster when we know we're pleasing you.

57. Is my O face hot? (LOL)
It turns us on - not because of the way you look but because we know the mission was a success.

58. How do we know if you're having sex or making love?
If the guy is focusing a lot on your pleasure, it's probably more than "just" sex to him.

60. Should a girl acknowledge a queef? (LOL)
We only care if she calls attention to it. Ignore it, and let's finish what we started.

65. Women have various types of orgasms. Do men?
Yes. If we're in love, the orgasm is much more intense than if it's just a random encounter.

Good to hear from guys right?

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