Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Mother ♥

Even though my mother doesn't read the Alpha Blog (oh for sooo many reasons!), I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to her and to express how much I love her and miss her! If you want to tell your mother how much you love her, try this. For Mother's Day my sister made a list of 'Thank You's' and they are so simple and yet, it is incredibly sweet ♥ 

thank you for always hanging up my drawings when i was kid
thank you for signing me up for every sport
thank you for always cooking for me when i lived under your roof
thank you for buying me my first bra
thank you for teaching me how to drive
thank you for comforting me when i failed my driving test, both times
thank you for always switching my seats so i could be by a window in the airplane
thank you for always making me laugh
thank you for teaching me how to pluck my eyebrows
thank you for teaching me Japanese, even though its useless now
thank you for loving my friends no matter what
thank you for french braiding my hair all those times
thank you for getting mad at me when you thought I was smoking
thank you for teaching me how to clean
thank you for sketching me when I was young
thank you for taking all those pictures growing up
thank you for holding my arm when we walk
thank you for always telling me I am beautiful
thank you for letting me choose what i wore when i was kid, even though nothing ever matched
thank you for hand mailing me letters and postcards when you live on the other side of the world
thank you for taking me to all those museums
thank you for listening to me complain and argue
thank you for giving me two sisters
thank you for buying me that dog you didn’t want to get
thank you for always being optimistic and constantly smiling
thank you for letting me wear your old clothes
thank you for letting me sleep in your bed when dad was away working somewhere in the world
thank you for doing that school project for me on that stupid ‘friendal’ book
thank you for only letting us watch PBS growing up
thank you for fresca fridays
thank you for the daughter of the week system, you solved many sibling rivalry issues
thank you for the coupon system (even though we all cheated, sorry)
thank you for summer study, it sucked but we was like sew much smarter dan oder kidz
thank you for that overpriced American girl doll
thank you for letting me get birth control
thank you for always buying me books
thank you for reading to us in our bunk beds every night when we were young (even though reading English was difficult for you)
thank you for putting up with me when I was in Japanese school and I was a menace (remember how I stole someones handkerchief? And got in trouble for sleeping in class? And painting my nails? Haha)
thank you for letting us watch crayon-shinchan when no one elses mother would
thank you for picking me up from the station when I forgot or lost my train card
thank you for not picking me up from the station and making me walk home as a lesson not to forget my train card
thank you for always answering your phone when I never did
thank you for growing andy
thank you for letting me drink your restaurant water that you never drink
thank you for accepting everyone that I dated, even though the majority of them were unacceptable 
thank you for always making a gourmet lunch to bring to school
thank you for praying for me even though I dont believe in prayers
thank you for picking me up at the airport every time with arms wide open
thank you for not getting mad at me that one time I threw up in your car when I was a freshmen in college and I had drank too much the night before.
thank you for all those walks we took geni on that one summer when we lived in mikage
thank you for your patience, I know I was not an easy child to raise
thank you for lecturing me to use sunscreen everyday
thank you for giving me life!

i love you mom, this list could go on forever! happy mother's day!


Such an easy concept, and it's just so touching. It will really make your mother cry (it made me cry a little bit!!) Happy Birthday Mama Alpha. I love you so much!!


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