Monday, October 24, 2011

12 Things All College Freshmen Should Know

1. Go to class regularly. Seems like common sense, right? Actually, many first-year students think they can pass the course just by reading the books. Not true. Most professors add a significant amount of new material through the lectures and class discussions. For most students, college work requires a different learning style from the one they used in high school when they just studied for tests. In college, regular attendance and preparation before each class is necessary in order to keep up with the material - and your grades! 

2. Contact your new roommate or roommates prior to arrival. Get to know them and find out what they're bringing so you don't end up with two or three of everything. Once you get to campus, take time to share habits, likes and dislikes with your roommates. Setting ground rules about lights out, visitors and study hours can avoid problems down the road. 

3. Get involved in at least one out-of-class activity. Look for the many opportunities to help professors with their research or become active in clubs or organizations. Students who have out-of-class interests make better and more long-lasting friendships, are more satisfied in their college environment and are more likely to stay in school until graduation. Many students discover their career paths through out-of-class activities.

4. Get to know your resident assistant or student counselor. These upper-class students know the ropes and can help with everything from where to find things to homesickness and roommate problems.

5. Be ready for new experiences. You will meet people who have different customs, beliefs, values and habits. Remember that learning takes place both in and out of the classroom.

6. Treat the university or college and surrounding community as you would treat your home and your family. Remember that for many people, the college community is their year-round home. Behave here as you would want others to behave in your parents' yard.

7. Get to know at least one professor well each semester. (Going to class is a big part of this one.) Eventually, you will need references from professors for summer internships, graduate school and employment. Too many students find themselves in a scramble their senior year, trying to find someone who knows them well enough to write a letter of recommendation. Professors who know you and know your interests and strengths can help you identify job opportunities.

8. Although the campus will do all it can to make college life safe and secure, you must assume some responsibility for your own well-being. Follow well-lit paths and don't walk alone at night. Report lost or stolen keys and ID cards immediately and don't let strangers into your residence hall or apartment.

9. Check out study abroad programs. An international learning experience is a valuable commodity, personally and professionally.

10. Keep in touch with the student aid office -- know what applications are required and know the deadlines. Keep families informed and know the school's academic progress requirements to retain student aid eligibility.

11. Let your parents, family and friends back home know they can stay in touch with you every day. Really though, this is to keep mom and dad from worrying too much and too keep in touch with your friends back home! It's great - try some postcards! They're cheap, you don't have to write too much, and everyone likes to receive mail!! (Well, I do) 

12. And finally, a general piece of good advice for all students: Learn to use the word "no." Learn to respect the word "no."

Go Enjoy Your First Year of College! 

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