Sunday, October 16, 2011

Holy Hangover.

Straight up mess. There are nights where you know you are going to get wasted, but you never imagine how wasted you actually get. That was last night for me and I'll tell you who the culprit is: Pinnacle Whipped Cream Vodka (and I guess other things too). But seriously, it's so sweet that you don't even realize that you're drinking actual vodka!

Great mixers/chasers? Personally I like cherry coke, but honestly you can mix it with anything and its a freaking cream soda affect. So, spiked root beer floats - I think so!


Okay, at one point - when I was very much drunk (actually, past the point of drunk) - I literally poured this vodka into a cup and just drank it straight. Which probably accounts for this huge ass hangover that I experienced. I seriously woke up still a little drunk - it was intense. So tips? YES. 

1) If you need to throw up, THROW UP. Oh my goodness, you'll feel so much better if you get it out of your body. Your stomach will thank you!

2) Drink your water and take your advil (or any equivalent) - your head will hurt the next morning if you don't - just warning you. 

3) Sleep as much as you can - you're body needs to revitalize and energize, let it happen. My problem is when my stomach hurts at the same time, so I have to adjust my sleeping position - lolz. 

4) When you can --> eat - eat - eat! Aim for carby foods like bread. Apparently french fries and coke is the way to go! 

Well, those are the extent of my tips. I guess I'll post more if I have another bad hangover...I hope not....


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