Sunday, July 31, 2011

Seize the Day

point of view

"Want to know a Vogue secret? Obsessing about your age, and your 'flaws,' is never chic. Don't-give-a-damn is the MOST FASHIONABLE QUALITY ever known. A seventeen-year-old from East L.A. with a strict budget and a stellar SENSE OF SELF can be as a 36-year-old Parisian style-maker with a charge account at Colette. She knows how to fully EMBRACE this self, this day. She knows what shade of turquoise or amber brings out her eyes. 

AGE? Sure, it's just a number. But that doesn't mean you should pretend you're a number you're not. Dressing like a club-hopper when you're a WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE undermines your own POWER. Being a conformist when you're in your 20s would be a sin. 

When we write about dressing through the decades, we're advocating that you embrace the INDIVIDUAL. Take possession of your unique personal style. Because how many women can be you?"

This is from the August 2011 Vogue - The Age Issue, and I thought it was just tremendously inspirational and it made me feel so good about myself. Sure, I'm not a middle aged women afraid of wrinkling skin or anything but I am a teenager and we are super body conscious. We do always focus on our flaws and never seem to embellish our favorite parts. I love the whole "Don't-give-a-damn" attitude - it's just what we need. I mean don't be a bitch or anything, just be who you are and love it. Seriously, Seize the Day! Dress the way you want to dress, be you're own person! It'll give you confidence and power. This is exactly why I adore Vogue! 


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