Saturday, July 16, 2011

A Girl's Best Friend.

Vibrators. Yes, I just went there. Face it, when guys can't get the job done you shouldn't have to suffer. And especially with the modern advancements today - vibrators really do know how to hit the spot. In the latest wave of vibrators, they look more aesthetically pleasing and were created specifically to make you body tingle almost better than your man can.

Now, why all this boom in vibrators? Sex and the City, duh! Seriously, that show opened so many doors for women and their sexuality (made a lot of sex toy companies very popular I might add). Soon, many women themselves were getting their buzz on. There's actually quite a lot of research that goes into making a vibrator believe it or not - the design needs to be sexy and not scary, they need to discover the ideal "vibe", and well penetration isn't always the most effective pathway to pleasure. Many women state that they get the most kick when their vibrators are around their clitoris and vulva. Therefore, this information lead to a whole new generation of toys that hit the hot spots.

The Form 2 By JimmyJane
Okay, I get that this topic is a littler out there - I mean I've never used a vibrator before, but then again I've never climaxed before either and I really want to. I'm assuming this is kind of like the masturbation topic - it's awkward and it feels dirty. If it's not for you then don't sweat it, no one's forcing you to masturbate or get a vibrator - that's ridiculous. I'm only writing this because I'm curious and well, a lot of people mention that vibrators take you straight to orgasm central. Laura Berman, PhD, explains "Even the lucky chicks who can climax quickly, owe it to experience a vibrator induced orgasm. That's because there are actually nerve endings surrounding the clitoris that respond best to the speed and strength of vibration, so you're experiencing pleasure you wouldn't feel through sex or manual masturbation".

Better Than Chocolate
by Nomi Tang
Many women have trouble reaching orgasm in front of their partner either because they are self-conscious or overwhelmed with so many sensations - like trying to focus on their partner's needs. You need to start focusing on your needs. You should take control of it either through masturbation (with or without a vibrator) or actually tell your partner what you want - trust me it'll turn him on a lot. In fact, many couples (40% in fact) incorporate vibrators in their foreplay or intercourse. The response - "Following a night out, we went back to her place, and she didn't hold anything back. She brought out her vibrator and told me exactly how she wanted it. It was the best sex I've ever had".

So what do you think now? But for this Alpha, this topic just becomes more fascinating...


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