Monday, July 18, 2011

Feed Your Face!

The key to having good skin begins with having a healthy lifestyle - which includes what you eat. Although heredity takes the majority of the reins in how your skin looks, behaves and ages, you can improve this simply by taking care of yourself. This includes eating the right food!

  • Eat at least five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Look for "ACE" vitamins: A - prevent aging, C - promote clarity, E - protect agaisnt environment
    • Vitamin A - carrots, spinach, watercress, broccoli, sweet potatoes, melons
    • Vitamin C - peppers, strawberries, oranges, grapefruit, leafy greens
  • Include whole grain foods, nuts, dairy, fish, and beans! All are rich in zinc, which promotes healing and reduces inflammation in the body. 
  • Biotin is another nutrient needed for healthy skin, hair and nails! (Often known as Vitamin H) 
    • Peanut butter, whole grains, eggs, and liver
    • Prevent dermatitis and hair loss
Antioxidant essential for the growth and renewal of new skin cells. Topically applied, may boost collagen production and promote skin cell turnover. Egg yolks, dairy

Increases fatty acids in the skin, promoting exfoliation and firmness. Yeast, eggs, liver, vegatables

Building block of collagen, the protein that gives skin its structure, tone, and elasticity. Citrus fruits, broccoli, peppers, berries, tomatoes. 

Essential for the development of skin cells. Egg yolks, salmon, fortified milk, and other dairy products

Antioxidant that helps build and maintain healthy skin tissue. Wheat germ, leafy greens, nuts, whole grains

Fat is also an important nutrient for the skin and the health of the whole body. It is necessary for supple skin and soft shiny hair. Incorporate unsaturated fats, such as the monounsaturated fats found in olive oil and avocado, with omega-3 fats, found in fatty fish and some seeds, into your daily diet. 

8 Specific Foods to Eat!

1: Pumpkin Seeds - Contains zinc to fight off breakouts! Aim for one to two tablespoons a day.

2: Watercress - Reduce inflammation and pore size, and iron, gives you a glow! Might reduce DNA damage!

3: Spinach - Protects your eyes and may help to make them brighter and whiter. 

4: Apples - Buffs off stains on your teeth, gives you a megawatt grin!

5: Green Beans - High in silicon which seems to make hair stronger and thicker.

6: Flaxseed - Helps to hydrate skin and keep it soft and smooth. 

7: Kiwis - Containing Vitamin C, it slows down aging through stimulating collagen production.

8: Eggs - Strong, healthy nails; almost like super-strength nails!

Eating healthier doesn't only help with making you prettier - it affects all of your body. Soon or later, you'll start feeling healthier with more energy; happier even. It might even help shed some pounds - killing two birds with one stone : awesome! Happy Healthy Eating!


(Information from Bobbi Brown's Make Up  Manual

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