Saturday, December 24, 2011

Love Being Single at Christmas

The holidays can be especially hard on a single girl; what with families sharing hot chocolate in front of the Christmas tree and couples cozying up on cold nights. Then there are the nosy relatives to deal with; the ones who utilise little tact in enquiring about your love life and go on endlessly about who has tied the knot during the past year.

"In our society, there are expectations that once you are a young woman, and especially at this time of the year, that you will have to go home to face relatives who will want to enquire why it is you don't have someone," said counselling psychologist Lola Allen-Jones, who likens Christmas to Valentine's Day given its sometimes devastating effect on single persons. Indeed, it can be lonely for those flying solo, but before you start despising your status, try and appreciate the perks of being unattached instead.

Here are 8 Reasons Why You Should 
Love Being Single During the Holidays:

1. Fewer people to shop for. Children especially look forward to presents and shopping sprees during Christmas; but as a single woman, you can be a little selfish and splurge on yourself. With no husband to consider, you can also bank your bonus so it can be invested in a new course which will help you to uplift yourself for the new year.

2. You won't have to deal with the in-laws. Some married people will tell you that meeting with the in-laws is the thing they look forward to the least during the holidays. Consider yourself lucky that you won't have to go out of your way to be extra nice to the mother, father, brother and sister of a spouse.

3. Less cooking to do. While most wives will find themselves glued to the kitchen preparing big Christmas feasts, you can indulge in ice-cream and chips while watching Sex and the City re-runs in your pajamas on Christmas day.

4. You can stay in bed all day. Since you won't have to worry about getting up to prepare a healthy breakfast for a husband and children, you are free to get out of bed whenever your mind bids you to, and who cares if you have leftovers for breakfast instead of preparing a big feast?

5. You can stay out extra late. If you are an extrovert, chances are you'll be getting invited to lots of parties and family get-togethers. As a single woman, especially if you live alone, you can stay out as late as you want without having to answer to a soul. You also won't have to worry about getting a babysitter every time your friends invite you out for an event, either.

6. You don't have to justify your expensive purchases. You can buy as many shoes as you like without having to justify your purchases. And what better time to shop than during the Christmas season when there are deals galore?

7. You can turn up the volume on your component set. Instead of saving your singing for the shower, you can belt out some tunes in your living room without having to consider disturbing sleeping children or a husband who just knows how to kill a good vibe.

8. You don't have to think twice about pigging out. You get to eat as much as you like without having to consider the critical stares of a spouse. When you are home, you will have more freedom to pig out on the foods of your choice without having to be reminded of your weight.

From Jamaica Observer

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