Sunday, January 22, 2012

10 Simple Rules to Better Health

1. Stop Counting Calories
Research shows that the average person is terrible at counting calories and we guesstimate that we eat far less than we actually do. Plus, counting calories makes you focus on hitting a certain number, rather than on what you're putting in your body. The math you should do at every meal? This simple division: fill half your plate with fruit or veggies, one fourth with protein and the final fourth with a whole grain carb.

2. Don't Skip Meals
Skipping meals has always been a bad choice. Why? It's because you're probably going to overeat later in the day which isn't great. Also, try avoid skimping on meals too - it also results to overeating or snacking... If you know you're going to have a huge dinner and want to save your stomach for it? Have a light lunch and then something to nibble on like a couple (meaning 2) slices of turkey or some crudités with hummus.

3. Make Sure Your Snacks are Just That - Snacks!
Nutritionists say you should eat something every few hours. It helps to keep your metabolism up and make you less apt to overeat. A snack should be about 150 calories and you should aim for two a day. Make sure whatever you nibble on has protein, healthy fat and some fiber - think an apple plus a handful of pistachios. But if you're not hungry, you probably should skip the snack. Your body is basically saying that it doesn't need that extra food.

4. East Your Veggies First
When you start out eating the heartier parts of your meal - the bread, the pasta, the salmon - it's harder to control your appetite later in the meal. But when you start by having a salad or those green beans, you fill up faster and eat fewer calories.

5. Set Small Goals
Women who set overly big goals tend to fail; that kind of thinking is just too grandiose and intangible. The near-instant gratification of reaching each mini goal, however, propels you to make new ones and keep going.

6. Do the Right Cardio...
Any cardio is good for weight loss, but interval training (exercise at a moderate intensity with vigorous bursts) always wins over a slow and steady pace. That's because the harder you work, the more calories you burn even during the less intense intervals. How much you need it? The best evidence shows that 200 minutes a week of some sort of physical activity, even if it's brisk walking, is optimal for weight loss.

7. ...and Strength-Train!
Toning is key. That's because the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism gets - and the more calories you'll burn always, not just at the gym. Focus on moves that target your largest muscle groups (butt, thighs, and back). Most women think of arms and abs first, but they're tiny areas. It's the muscles that are the metabolic monsters. And think quality, not quantity. No need for hundres of squats. Doing a few dozen well (mind that form!) will change your body.

8. Watch What You Drink
Many, many women overlook liquid calories! But they are a goldmine - seriously. When in doubt, stick with water or seltzer.

9. Don't Eat Too Low-Fat
You may think low-fat is good, so nonfat is better? Not quite. The absence of fat puts you in a deprivation territory therefore you wont feel as full and satisfied and will ultimately eat more of something else. Have a little healthy fat at each meal and snack - a teaspoon of olive oil on your salad, a bit of goat cheese. Bonus: It'll help your body absorb more of the nutrients in your food.

10. Get at Least Seven and a Half Hours of Sleep Each Night. 
Adequate rest allows your body's appetite and satiety hormones to work the way they should, so you will feel less hungry and won't be nearly as apt to overeat when you do grab a bite. Plus, when you're tired, you don't make healthy decisions!

Provided by Glamour Magazine: January

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