Saturday, November 5, 2011

Grow Up - Dealing With Confrontation

This might come off a bit strong, but I am so upset at these group of boys - yes BOYS, not MEN - who graduated with Alpha. Throughout high school, they have been disrespectful; completely disrespectful to teachers, students, the school! Insulting and joking about race, sexual orientation and almost anything they can discuss. It's disgusting and vile. I just don't understand how boys like these can exist, they seriously are just pure idiots with no redemening qualities. Yes they may do something nice every now and then but overall they are just an embarrassment to human kind.

Like I said, they do this multiple times to innocent groups and peoples. This time it happened with our school's Alumni page which has Alumni ranging back from when the school first started. It's just sad and embarrassing for my entire graduating class. When will they realize that it's not and never will be joke to throw out racial slurs and gang up on people?! There's no use to tell them to stop because they never will. Which is the saddest part. I hope, I hope, I hope that one day karma will bite them on the ass. I know that's mean but it's happened so many times that maybe a bitch-slap of reality will cure them of their illness of being complete assholes.


So, my post. I bit harsh but I feel like that was my sole outlet at the moment. I had my sister to talk to who was also fighting against them but every time I confront them I just get filled with rage and just talk - which isn't the smartest thing to do when confronting a person. Here are my tips in confrontation:

1) Don't Participate Unless it Really Does Upset You. 
I guess I need to provide some background on this topic. Okay, if there is a fight going on and it's not really directed towards you, I would say be supportive but if it seems like the person is in control just be supportive don't necessarily get involved unless it really really bothers you. Like today, these boys were trolling on a page, my sister asked them to stop and called them out on it, then they began to attack and annoy my sister --> That's when I got involved. My sister is highly educated and intelligent, however, if someone disrespects my sister - YOU ARE NOT FUCKING GETTING AWAY WITH THAT. Sisterly love right there. 

I've had many problems with this. I often just speak my mind without filtering what I say. Which can often lead me into a hole. So really, think before making any actions. Think about consequences and even if it really is worth reacting. I'm happy I stepped in for my sister, but a little ashamed that I attacked them with a stupid comment. 

3) Find A Different Outlet. 
Lol, why do you think I'm writing this on Paint Me Chic? I needed to get it out of my system. Instead of dealing with them, talk to somebody about it - My sister and I talked about it - and it's bothering you go for another outlet - art, writing, screaming into a pillow. 


Okay, those were my basic tips! I hope they do grow up soon (...but I hope more that it's from a bitch slap of karma). If you have problems with people like these what do you do about it? How do you cope with stupidity and ignorance? 


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