Saturday, September 3, 2011

Decode His Status

Admit it. You stalk people's status' on Facebook. Who doesn't? But what is the under lying message behind...his message? Here are the main profiles:

  1. Man Who Posts Lots of "Deep" Thoughts
    Translation: He obviously takes himself pretty seriously, but he's also the type who's thoughtful and reliable. He likes to think things through before he acts, which means he'll be extra sensitive to your needs.
  2. Sarcastic Guy Who Vents his Pet Peeves
    Translation: Men who use Facebook to constantly vent are looking for some reassurance and attention. Experts say people are actually more likely to respond to a post that elicits a negative emotion - such as annoyance or anger - than a positive one.
  3. Bro Who Quotes Movies 24/7
    Translation: He's goofy and playful.Guys relate to one another through humor and like to one-up each other's movie quotes, so this is his way of interacting with his FB friends too.
  4. Random Observation Dude
    Translation: His arbitrary but clever comments suggest that he is outgoing and loves the spotlight. He's using Facebook to "perform" for his "friends." Kind of irritating - except it means he'll work hard to entertain you too.
  5. TMI Guy Who Gives Play-by-Plays of His Day
    Translation: This guy is open with his thoughts and feelings (to a fault), but at least you'll never have to guess what's on his mind. The catch? He'll expect you to be just as transparent with what you're thinking. 
From the August 2011 Issue of Cosmopolitan (Page 68). 

Interesting right? I've never really thought about it until now? I think there should be more research on this matter haha - weird but so insightful. 


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