Friday, September 30, 2011

Be A 'To Do' List Pro

Everyone, whether in high school, college, or working, needs to keep themselves organized with all their responsibilities. It's hard remembering everything you have to do, or buy, or turn in. The best way to remember everything you need to in an organized way is by making a 'to do' list. But remember, keeping a list only works if you use it and complete it every single say. Here is how to make your lists work better;

  1. Avoid having multiple lists | If you have a separate list for all areas of your life (work, school, home), you will be overwhelmed or waste time ticking tasks off and rewriting.
  2. Forget the color coding | Carefully highlighted, color coded, or annotated lists are indications of procrastination, not organization.
  3. Write out each point clearly on a large piece of paper | If you write your lists on a small piece or scrap paper, a napkin, or a sticky note it will leave you feeling more disorganized.
  4. Prioritize tasks with an asterisk| Only move on to the less important tasks when you have the time, it is critical to finish you important tasks as your first priorities.
  5. Set and meet all the actions from your list within the appropriate period of time | Start with the tasks you've been avoiding - successful people do the things they dislike first. 
  6. A To Do list should have no more than eight points | It is designed to make you efficient and organized, not scared.
  7. Give yourself a reward | To keep yourself motivated reward yourself with something you like when your to do list has been completed.

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