Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Best Countries For Food

1. Thailand
Thailand's cuisine combines the best techniques from cuisines
around Asia. It uses a lot of garlic and chillies, as well as lime juice.
2. Greece
The best part of the Greek cuisine is its freshness, whether its fresh
bread, fresh tomatoes, or fresh fish right from the Mediterranean.
3. China
Generally, a Chinese dish includes a contrast of foods, part of it
 being cooling foods such as vegetables and fruits along
with count warming spices and meat.
4. France
Cheese, baguettes, and champagne. Thats all.
5. Spain
The main dish in Spain (and which is said to be best in Barcelona)
 is the Catalan. It is cooked with several spices as well as
honeyed sweets.
6. Mexico
Mexican cuisine is amazing because it combines the best of Spanish
and French, with a twist of African, thanks to its history. The focus
are usually corn and bean-based dishes.
7. Italy
Pizza. Yum.
8. India
Funnily enough, all ALPHA's except our one Indian ALPHA,
 just praise Indian food. Meals are generally served with rice,
naan bread, fish or meat, and vegetables. And, of course, lots
and lots of spices.
9. Japan
When most people think of Japanese cuisine, they think its only made
 up of rice and sushi. Believe me, its not. Other famous Japanese foods
 include yakitori, udon, ramen, yakiniku, and tempura. I would also 

have to say that before you die, Kobe Beef is a must.
10. Indonesia & Malaysia
The rice and spices are said to make up the heart of these cuisines.
 For cooking that is not so complex, the taste is amazing.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cake Batter Pancakes

  • 1 1/2 cups of all purpose flour
  • 2/3 cups of yellow cake mix
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
  • 3/4 teaspoon of baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • 1-2 cups of milk
  • Assorted sprinkles

  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon of milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • Assorted sprinkles
  1. Combine the flour, cake mix, baking powder, sugar, and salt in a bowl and mix
  2. Add the eggs, vanilla extract, and 1 cup of milk. Stir until smooth. (Add more milk if needed)
  3. Add desired amount of sprinkles into batter
  4. Preheat a skillet on medium heat. Pour 1/4 cup of batter and cook for 2-3 minutes

  1. Mix the milk, vanilla extract, and powdered sugar until glaze forms.
  2. Add sprinkles and spread over the pancakes

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Best Booze From Around The World

Sake | Japan 

Guinness | Ireland

Beer | Belgium

Absinthe | Czech Republic

Wine | France

Caipiroska | Brazil

Becherovka | Czech Republic

Whisky | USA

Tequila | Mexico

Vodka | Poland

Monday, April 16, 2012

10 Exercise Myths

  1. The cardio machine counts the number of calories you burn
  2. Woman should not lift weights since it makes them bulkier
  3. You can monitor how hard your heart is beating with heart rate monitors
  4. If you are not losing weight with exercise you are not getting healthier
  5. You burn more fat with low intensity exercises
  6. Chung a protein shake post workout
  7. Tight abs and toned arms cane obtained through spot reduction
  8. As long as you spend 30-45min at the gym daily, you can do whatever you want the rest of the day
  9. No pain means no gain
  10. Stretching helps prevention of injuries

Sunday, April 15, 2012

10 Uses For Vodka

Yes, there are things other then drinking that you can do with vodka.
  1. Treats Poison Ivy
    • To avoid an uncomfortable reaction, immediately pour vodka on skin that has made contact with poison ivy
  2. Freshen Laundry
    • Spray your clothes with vodka to kill odor causing bacteria
  3. Shine Your Fixtures
    • Moisten a soft clean cloth with vodka, and clean
  4. Preserve Flowers
    • Add a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar to the water in your flower case
  5. Repel Insects
    • Pour some in a bottle and spray at insects
  6. Soothe Jellyfish Stings
    • Pour on the sting to relief pain
  7. Get Shiny Hair
    • Add a jigger of vodka to a 12 ounce shampoo bottle
  8. Clean Away Mold
    • Spray and leave it for 15 minutes, then clean
  9. Make a Soothing Lavender Tincture
    • Fill a jar with lavender, water, and vodka, and leave it for a few days
  10. Ease a Toothache
    • Take a shot of vodka and swish it around in your mouth

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Foods for Different Parts of Your Day

For a Tough Workout:

  • Drinking java an hour before exercises increases endurance during workouts
  • Drinking low fat chocolate milk after exercises helps repairing and strengthening muscles as it has an ideal protein-to-carb ratio

Before a Presentation:
  • Eating oatmeal will settle your nerves, as it keeps your blood sugar stable
  • Eating oranges will provide you with the vitamin C that will reduce the stress hormone cortisol

To Get in the Mood:
  • Eating chili peppers stimulates your libido in two ways
    • It fools the body into thinking it's in pain, thus flooding the brain with endorphins 
    • It speeds up blood flow, thus enhancing pleasure

Before Bed:
  • Eating bananas, which contain tryptophan, will put you in the sleepy mood
