Sunday, August 26, 2012

10 Secrets of Super Happy Couples

1. Pretend you just met
Spend some time each day acting as if you just started dating. Over time, couples stop asking those exploratory because they think they already understand each other. Since we all continue to change and develop, little daily check-ins like this are what keep the connection growing.

2. Limit the chick flicks
Romantic comedies can set up unreasonable expectations. They may also promote magical thinking about relationships with Hollywood endings.

3. Be the beauty to his beast
When men were married to more attractive women, they seemed more likely to step up, but when husbands were better-looking, they didn't seem as engaged in helping their wives achieve their goals. The real secret to success? Support. Couples are more likely to enjoy long-run happiness when they're invested in each other's welfare.

4. Control the boozing
Any relationship will be shaken and stirred by too much alcohol, but research suggests that young adults who drink heavily (meaning four or more drinks on one occasion for women; five or more for guys) are less likely to wed in the first place and may be at greater risk for early separation if they do. Partyers may be more likely to have commitment issues to begin with, and once they couple up their bonds may be unstable. So keep the drinking in check.

5. Hold a grudge (as long as he doesn't)
Provided that your partner is able to bounce back from spats, you'll experience greater satisfaction. Don't allow conflicts about one issue to spill over into other areas of your relationship.

6. Tweet responsibly
Avid tweeters tend to have shorter relationships than those who don't microblog. Having your eyes glued to a smartphone screen isn't exactly romantic. Be sure your tendency toward technology doesn't take up time better spent engaging in heart-to-heart communication with your guy.
7. Don't win an oscar
Sudden one-sided success can put a strain on a romantic partnership. The increased rate of divorce may be due to a husband's discomfort with his wife's success or a wife's dissatisfaction because she now has the confidence and opportunity to move away from a bad relationship. Try to remain a power couple: Encourage and celebrate each other's successes, big and small.

8. Burn bras (together)
Women whose male partner is a feminist report better relationship quality, while men with feminist partners experience more sexual satisfaction and relationship stability. It increases a woman's ability to realize her own goals and career ambitions and male feminists are probably not threatened by their partner's strivings. Plus, these women may be more likely to initiate sex, and no guy will complain about that.

9. Nurture your friend's relationships
The breakup of a close pal's marriage increases your odds of splitting by as much as 75 percent. Some people may see another's divorce as permission to change their own life but when you encourage friends to stay together (happily), you may generate reasons that also apply to your bond.

10. Twist the sheets at least once a week
The average American has sex about two or three times a month, but increasing your romps to once a week is great. It's not so much the sex itself that leads to happiness; the frequency is a better marker for a successful relationship. Couples who like each other end up in bed more often, and it's the liking-each-other part that increases joy.

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