Friday, October 21, 2011

Get More Pleasure

It's important to get the most out of every sexual experience you encounter. Cosmo's got tips for you to get the most pleasure you possibly can from your partner's penis. It actually depends on the quality of your guy's erection. The harder he is, the more stimulation he can provide, which will, in turn, make sex more satisfactory (duh!).

Up until now it seemed like women couldn't really control that aspect of the man. Ha Ha Ha - not anymore!! Steven Lamm, MD, states, "We know that certain nutrients, sexual techniques, and lifestyle factors absolutely affect the potency of a man's erection, which helps to improve his partner's experience as well"

So here are the five boner-improving secrets :)

1) Stock the Fridge With This: 
Any dark fruit, like black berries, bilberries, or elderberries, contain high levels of anthocyanins, potent antioxidants that are basically an erection's best friend. Woo Hoo!! Basically, it makes it easier for the blood to rush into the penis when it is aroused. So, go stock up on your black berries.

2) Be in Bed Early:
Peckers in peak condition typically have one thing in common: They're attached to men who log at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. A solid session of zzz's contributes to penis health in two ways. Yeah, men experience erections during their sleep so this means that blood is being driven into the penis which ensure that it's getting the nourishment it needs. Secondly, morning erections occur as a sign that he's getting enough deep sleep which then means that the body is renewing itself psychologically. Basically, he can focus on sex 100% now!!

3) Booze Less:
Alcohol improves the quality of sex only in so far that it makes both men and women feel less self-conscious. But physiologically, it;s an inhibitor. It actually reduces testosterone formation which makes it harder to have a good erection. So, when he's drunk most probably its not gonna get as hard as you want it.

4) Do It on Empty:
Most upsetting sex = when he's in a food comma. After a large meal, the blood he needs to produce an erection goes to his stomach to digest the food. This is especially worse after eating fast foods. This is because there are a lot of extra fats circulating. Basically, it won't be easy to get it up with all that extra weight.

5) Seize His Second Wind:
Now that you know how to get him really hard, try to go for round two! The secret is to seduce him one hour after having sex. The 60 minute period is known as the refractory period  (how long it takes for the penis to recover fully). Doctors have now discovered that men will last longer during the second round of sex than they will during the first. Totally trying this out now :P

October 2011 - Cosmopolitan 

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