Monday, October 15, 2012

Foods To Never Eat

Artificial Sweeteners
Since sweeteners are sweeter than sugar, they can reset your taste buds to crave sugary foods. As a result, you end up eating more junk. 
Margarine has loads of trans fats, which increase your cholesterol. And it contains a lot of ingredients vs butter's one or two. The calorie count is also similar to butter, but we tend to eat more of it because we think it's healthier. Stick with small does of butter or use heart-healthy olive oil.

Soy Protein Isolate (don't know why people would eat this in the first place)

All soy isn't bad, but the isolate (a refined, often genetically-modified form of soy that pops up in a lot of soy-based products) resembles estrogen, which is iffy—some research has shown that it can increase the risk of cancers and infertility in women. If you want to go vegetarian, opt for veggie burgers with quinoa, chickpeas, or black beans as a base, and eat protein bars that are based on nuts and seeds. And for meat subs, go for beans, nuts, seeds, nut butters, and natural sources of soy like edamame, tofu, and tempeh.

Diet Foods

"Diet" or "low-fat" doesn't mean low-calorie. Diet bars and low-fat foods usually have more sugar, salt, and unhealthy fillers to make them taste okay. Even worse, we typically eat double the serving we should because we're not satisfied or think that it's okay to eat more because it's "healthy."

Frozen Foods

These are often heavily processed and filled with fat and salt. Instead of going this route, make a big meal at home when you have some downtime, portion it out, and freeze the servings. 

More information on Cosmo


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