Friday, August 17, 2012

Reflections of the First Year

Done with year one of college. 
Thoughts? Feelings? Regrets? 

I absolutely loved my first year of college. I mean I think I got pretty lucky but let's be really you make your own luck right? (and yeah I did steal that line from the Dark Knight/Harvey Dent). I found all my roommates online through facebook and they turned out to be my best friends in college. Now, I'm not saying it's necessary to be best friends and such but having a good relationship with your roommate is pretty important. Even if it is just saying Hi and Bye. You need someone to be with in your first couple of days so you both can meet people and then find your group of friends. 

So, number two. Be open and meet people. Yeah, everyone is literally in the same boat as you. Many people do not know other people. SO, be that person and go introducing yourself. People will actually be impressed that you have the courage to talk to them (I mean, I don't really remember the people that I met at my orientation but at least I met people and that made me more comfortable). Secondly, go to as many orientation or organization fair thingys. Okay, my school is tiny so it was easy to meet people and go to these fairs. I realize for bigger schools it might be more difficult. So in addition to those two things, actually talk to the people on your floor and in your classes. FOR REAL (especially your classes) My marketing class was all about making groups and believe me you wanna have friends beforehand so you're not that awkward person asking to be in everyone's group. Really, put yourself out there and have fun!

Now, there are many types of "fun" in college. There's the academic and organization fun, the Greek fun, experimental fun, blah blah blah blah blah. The most important thing is to know your limits and your interests. If you're uncomfortable don't do it and don't get dragged in by peer pressure!!! It's okay to be that person that doesn't want to do it - I've been that person and I still have all my friends :) ALSO, use common sense right? Seriously, if you're gonna drink and party in your room you should know the dangers and blah okay? I've gotten a violation - it's not that great but I knew what I was doing and I was stupid. Just be careful and if you can look out for each other. Sex is another thing to be aware of. If you're with your girl friends look out for each other okay - boys really do only think about scoring - so check check check out for each other - RAPE IS REAL. And also, be polite to your roommate if you have a guy over or if she does - come up with some sort of system. 

Thats another point. Talk to your roomie about the little details - cause they matter!!! If you have a problem, grab dinner or coffee and really talk to them. Ignoring the problem is like the worst thing cause then you get even more irritated and blah. 

MONEY. Yeah, most college students are poor. be realistic. constantly check your accounts and yeah go least that's what I do. 

FOOD. yeah...dorm food can be gross but...most people don't have an alternative. So, try going healthy? That can mean not drinking soda, maybe cut down on eating meat, skip that pizza for a salad. Also, exercise!! My sister runs to all her classes and activities; I go try to go to the gym everyday. If you're not hungry DONT EAT. The Freshmen 15 is a real thing just saying. 

Finally, work load. Yeah, it's different from regular high school and most people tend to put assignments off. I don't know why you would do that...yeah, I'm one of those good students, but honestly, I hate panicing at the last minute so I always break down my work and I always know due dates - it's a big deal to me!! I have never pulled an all nighter - NEVER. sleep is a huge deal to me and so, do your work people don't slack off. college and university is such a huge opportunity and privilege!! 


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