Sunday, July 17, 2011

Birth Control Part II

"As Women, we have the right to make decisions regarding our bodies. These include decisions regarding the ability to control if and when we have children, regardless of whether we want several children or not children at all. Birth control is fundamental to our ability to have autonomy in our lives, and it helps us to understand our bodies and to enjoy our sexuality safely with men"
-Our Bodies, Ourselves
Chapter 18, Birth Control

Methods of Birth Control
6: Vaginal Ring
A vaginal ring is a thin, flexible ring that you insert into the vagina to prevent pregnancy. The ring is left in place for three weeks and then removed for one week - providing one month of birth control. It slowly releases estrogen and progestin hormones into the body, stops ovulation, and thickens the cervical fluid, creating a barrier to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg. The ring doesn't protect against STDs including HIV/AIDS. 

  • Effectiveness: When used perfectly it is 99% effective, because the ring is inserted only once a month the effectiveness with typical use should be about the same.
  • Advantages: Easy to use, safe and convenient, can be worn for three weeks, private - no visible patches or Pill packets, provides protection from pregnancy one month at a time, does not interrupt spontaneity.
  • Disadvantages: Doesn't protect agaisnt STDs including HIV, slightly raised risk of heart attack and stroke for some women, requires a prescription.

7: Injectable Contraceptives - Shots
Both are injections; Lunelle is a monthly birth control injected into the arm, thigh or hip. The shot has both synthetic estrogen and progestin which prevents ovulation and thickens cervical fluid - creating a barrier to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg. Depo-Provera is an injection preventing pregnancy for three months usually given in the arm or buttocks. Like Lunelle, it makes it harder for sperm to enter or survive in the uterus but with use of high levels of progestin only. Both do not protect agaisnt STDs including HIV. 

  • Effectiveness: Depo-Provera is 99.7% effective.
  • Advantages: private, doesn't require regular supplies or attention, effective after 24 hours, doesn't interrupt sexual spontaneity, has no estrogen, may decrease risk for ovarian and uterine cancers
  • Disadvantages: doesn't protect agaisnt STDs including HIV, requires injections every three months, delay of return to fertility, possible weight gain, possible irregular bleeding or no menstrual bleeding at all, if side effect occur they can last a long time.

8: Implants
Contraceptive implants are soft, hormone-filled capsules that are inserted under the skin in a woman's upper arm. They prevent ovulation and thickening the cervical fluid thus preventing sperm from entering the uterus. They offer a safe, long-term reversible contraceptive option. They do not protect agaisnt STDs including HIV. 

  • Effectiveness: Implants are 99% effective, they last three to five years depending on system.
  • Advantages: Highly effective, do not interrupt spontaneity, provide protection from pregnancy for three to five years, fertility returns quickly once implants are removed, can be used by women who are breast feeding, you don't have to think about contraception for as long as the implants work, if you change your mind they can be removed.
  • Disadvantages: do not protect against STDs including HIV, many women experience irregular bleeding and changes to periods, because they are long-acting side effects can last a long time, can cause slight increase in ovarian cysts (which are not dangerous), can be difficult to remove, require a trained medical provider to insert and remove, rarely can cause an infection in the arm

9: IUD/Sterilization
IUDs are small plastic devices that contain copper or progestin and fit inside the uterus. The  IUD is usually not noticeable during intercourse and is effective for ten years. It does not protect agaisnt STDs including HIV.  The IUD affects the movement of eggs and sperm to prevent fertilization. It creates foreign-body reaction in the lining of the uterus which prevents implantation. 

  • Effectiveness: 99% effective, easily reversible by simply removing the IUD. Effective for 5 to 10 years
  • Advantages: Immediately effective, you don't have to think about contraception for as long as it is in place, effective for five to ten years depending on type, does not interrupt sex play, does not interfere with breast-feeding, the cost is very low over the life of the IUD
  • Disadvantages: Doesn't protect agaisnt STDs including HIV, insertion and removal requires clinic visits, can be expelled, can cause heavier than normal periods. 

**Emergency Contraception**
The Morning After Pill - Plan B

"The condom broke" ::  "I didn't think we were going to have sex" ::
"I didn't realize I had forgotten to take my pill" :: "I was raped"

Unlike regular methods of birth control that must be used before sex takes place, emergency contraception prevents pregnancy after sex has occurred. It doesn't work if a woman is already pregnant - it doesn't cause abortion. It doesn't protect agaisnt STDs. This pill gives the body a short, high burst of synthetic hormones that disrupt hormone patterns needed for pregnancy. This prevents pregnancy by inhibiting ovulation or by disrupting egg and sperm transport, fertilization or implantation. It is not advisable to use this pill as your protection agaisnt pregnancy because they are not as effective as other contraceptive methods. It must be taken within 72 hours after intercourse; reduces risk of pregnancy by 75 - 89%. 


I hope now you understand the different kinds of birth control that there is to offer. It's always the safest to have dual protection - the use of a contraceptive and a condom. This is will protect agaisnt pregnancy and STDs - though its never 100%. But there's no harm in being safe! Be sure to know if your partner has any kind of STD and you should also test yourself just in case. 

Well, happy humping! - I kid. 



    1. Oh really???? you shouldve be safer!
